bound for number of columns for LiuLiu OSOAs

mbound_LiuLiu(moa, t)



number of oa columns


strength used in the construction in function OSOAs_LiuLiu (it is assumed that the oa used has at least that strength)


the maximum number of columns that can be obtained by the command OSOAs_LiuLiu(oa, t=t) where oa has at least strength t and consists of moa columns


#' For full detail, see SOAs-package.

Liu and Liu 2015


Ulrike Groemping


## moa is the number of columns of an oa
moa <- rep(seq(4,40),3)
## t is the strength used in the construction
##      the oa must have at least this strength
t <- rep(2:4, each=37)
## numbers of columns for the combination
mbounds <- mapply(mbound_LiuLiu, moa, t)
## depending on the number of levels
## the number of runs can be excessive
## for larger values of moa with larger t!
## t=3 and t=4 have the same number of columns, except for moa=4*j+3
plot(moa, mbounds, pch=t, col=t)